Without hot dog buns in the house, you grab some of this out of the freezer and grate it up.



 You pull this out of the fridge  




                            and add some of this to a little flour







You mix it all together until it’s lumpy and a little damp, and pat it out into squares that you roll around the hot dogs like this.



Then you bake them right along with your mac and cheese that’s in the oven, and when your man comes through the door you tell him proudly how you’re the most resourceful girl you know!



Unless he’s the knight in shining armour type, and has gone to the grocery store on his way home from work as a surprise because he knew you wanted them after a grumbling comment in the IM’s y’all send each other all day. He loves the potato hot dog buns and he braved the store he hates more than anywhere else to get you, which is why you kiss him and throw the biscuit hot dogs in the fridge to eat the next day.
